如果有發現新的內容再跟大家分享囉!(2015/03/15 更新)
天使測驗請進入 http://www.okcupid.com/tests/the-angel-test
相關網頁: 天使測驗-找出你最近需要哪位守護天使照顧?
翻譯 30-38題 ~
30. Does your job, future job, or dream job require a big amount of mental strength, courage, or an unshakeable willpower?
Yes, all of the above. / Those things might come in handy. (以上皆需/是的,輕而易舉)
No, it doesn't. / Not in a direct sense. (不需要/不直接需要)
31. Do you feel taken advantage of, stressed, overloaded, or not appreciated enough?
Often / Sometimes(經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never(極少/從來沒有)
32. Do you have difficulties finishing what you started?
Often / Sometimes(經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never(極少/從來沒有)
33. Do you feel like you want to chuck it all? (你是否覺得想要放棄所有?)
Often / Sometimes(經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never(極少/從來沒有)
34. Do you feel quietly unhappy or angry due to an unfortunate situation you are currently in and unable to escape?
Often / Sometimes(經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never(極少/從來沒有)
35. Are you currently trying to quit a bad habit? Remember procrastinating is a bad habit, too. :D
(你是否正試著要戒掉某項壞習慣? 「拖延」也是種壞習慣喔!)
Yes, I am. (是的)
No, I'm not. (沒有)
36. Do you feel like you'll need lots of courage to make an important decision or a change in your life?
Yes, I do. (是的)
No, not right now. (目前沒有)
37. What is it that you desire at this point of your life?
To mend my broken heart... (療癒受傷的心)
To gain knowledge and wisdom... (獲取知識與智慧)
To be a fountain of creativity... (創意靈感泉湧)
To make a change in my life… (在生活中改變)
38. ...and... (以及…?)
...regain my health. (贏回健康)
...reach illumination. (啟發、悟道)
...show the world who I am. (向世界展現我是誰)
...endure the hard times. (度過難關)
如果有發現新的內容再跟大家分享囉!(2015/03/15 更新)
天使測驗請進入 http://www.okcupid.com/tests/the-angel-test
相關網頁: 天使測驗-找出你最近需要哪位守護天使照顧?
翻譯16-29題 ~
16. Do you have difficulties concentrating or thinking clearly?
Often / Sometimes (經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never (極少/從來沒有)
17. Have you recently crammed immense amounts of knowledge into your head within a short time, or are you currently in such a situation?
Yes, that describes it pretty well.
No, not recently. (最近沒有)
18. Do you ever wish you wouldn't have to study as hard as you do?
Often / Sometimes(經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never(極少/從來沒有)
19. Do you have an artistic talent, such as an awesome singing voice, an individual writing style, an eye for colour, or anything of the sort?
Indeed I do. / It's not listed, but magnificent none the less! (我的確有/雖然沒有列出來,但顯然有)
No, I don't think I'm talented. (我不認為我有天份)
20. Are you currently learning how to paint, dance, design, play a musical instrument, or anything of the kind?
Yes, I am. / Not yet, but soon. (是的/即將開始)
No, I'm not. I don't think I will be anytime soon. (現在沒有,近期也沒有打算)
21. Do you write? Books, poetry, your own songs, pen and paper RPG story lines, etc. all count. Reports, prescriptions, grocery lists, etc. don't. (你寫東西嗎? 書、詩、自己的歌、短篇故事都算。報告、處方、購物清單等不算。)
Often / Sometimes(經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never(極少/從來沒有)
22. Are you currently in a situation commonly called the "writer's block", or an equivalent applicable to your profession that makes you unable to put your talents to a good use? (你現在正經常處於寫作瓶頸嗎? 或在你的工作上有無法發揮才能的困境?)
Yes! Help me! / No, I am just taking a break. (是的,請幫我!/沒有,我正在休息)
No, I'm creative as always. / If I was, I didn't notice. (沒有,我總是很有靈感/就算我有,我也沒有察覺到)
23. Is there a concert, exhibition, or deadline coming up? (是否正面臨音樂會、展覽或交稿的期限?)
Yes, I am expected to get it together by then. (是的,我期待能如期完成)
No, nothing of the kind is scheduled for the near future. (近期沒有類似的時間表)
24. Does your job, future job, or dream job require creativity, beauty, a sense of harmony, or anything of the kind? Designing websites counts. Programming doesn't. (你的現在或未來或理想工作是否需要創意、美感、和諧感或類似的能力? 設計網頁算,設計程式則不算。)
Yes, lots and lots of it. / Yes, it wouldn't hurt. (是的,需要很多/是的,但不缺)
No, it doesn't. / Not quite. (不需要/不是需要很多)
25. Is there a person that means the world to you? (是否有一個人對你來說是全世界?)
Yes, he or she means more than the world to me. (是的,他或她對我來說更勝於全世界)
No, there's no one. / I could do without him or her. (沒有/沒有他或她我還是可以生活)
26. Do you have a child or children? (你有小孩嗎?)
Yes, I do. / I'm a teacher, school nurse, midwife, etc. (我有小孩/我是老師、學校護士、助產士之類)
No, I don't have children. / Yes, somewhere out there. (我沒有小孩/是的在某處可能有)
27. How about pets? Everyone likes pets. (關於寵物呢? 每個人都喜歡寵物)
Yes, I love my pet. / I love someone else's pet! (Scandalous.) (是的,我愛我的寵物/我喜歡別人的寵物)
True, but I don't have one. / I don't love mine. (是的,但我沒有寵物/我不喜歡我的寵物)
28. Are you the kind of person that takes care of everyone regardless of how tough it can be at times?
Often / Sometimes(經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never(極少/從來沒有)
29. Are you responsible for the life, health, happiness, fortune, etc. of anyone besides yourself?
Often / Sometimes(經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never(極少/從來沒有)
如果有發現新的內容再跟大家分享囉!(2015/03/15 更新)
希望能對大家有所幫助! 翻譯的不好之處請多指教喔!
天使測驗請進入 http://www.okcupid.com/tests/the-angel-test
相關網頁: 天使測驗-找出你最近需要哪位守護天使照顧?
翻譯1-15題 ~
The Angel Test
1. Do you feel like most people around you are rude or unfair?
Often / Sometimes (經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never (極少/從來沒有)
2. Do you feel lonely or abandoned? (你是否覺得寂寞或被遺棄?)
Often / Sometimes (經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never (極少/從來沒有)
3. Do you suffer from nightmares, anxiety, or a phobia? (你是否受噩夢、焦慮或恐懼症所苦)
Often / Sometimes (經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never (極少/從來沒有)
4. Are you or is a close friend, family member, or significant other severely depressed?
Yes, I am. / Someone I care about is. (是的,我本身是/某個我關心的人是這樣的)
No, I don't think so. / No one particularly close to me. (不,我本身不是/身邊沒有這樣的人)
5. Have you been worried about your own or someone else's health, happiness, or safety lately?
Yes, I have. (有)
No, I haven't. (沒有)
6. Are you or is someone close to you afflicted with / recovering from a serious illness, or dealing with the aftermath of an accident? (你或身邊親近的人正忙於疾病康復中或處理意外事故的後續問題?)
Yes, I am. / Yes, someone I care about is. (是的,我本身是/某位我關心的人是如此)
No, I don't think so. / No one particularly close to me. (我或周遭的人都沒有)
7. Have you recently suffered the loss of someone or something dear to you? (最近是否遭逢失去某位親愛的人或物品?)
Yes, I have. / Time has passed, but it still hurts. (是的/雖然有段時間了但還是會傷痛)
No, I haven't. / He, she or it was not that special to me. (沒有/他或她或它對我來說並沒有那麼重要)
8. Are you an exceptionally good counsellor? (你是位特別優秀的諮商師?)
I have been told that I am. / I like to think that I am. (有人說我是/我喜歡自認為是)
No, not really. / I wouldn't know. (不是/我不知道)
9. Does your job, future job, or dream job involve counselling or healing? Healing the environment counts. Healing economy doesn't.
Yes, it does. / Yes, in a sense... (是的/某種程度上相關)
No, it doesn't. (無關)
10. Have you recently been involved in a dispute that ended in either side's feelings being hurt, or in an especially mean case of "backbiting"? (最近是否牽涉到爭執,而最後是其中一方受傷或被誹謗?)
Yes, it did hurt. / Yes, and I still feel bad for him or her. (是的,真的很受傷/我依然為他或她感到抱歉)
No, fortunately not. / Yes, but he or she will survive. (很幸運地沒有/有,但他或她將倖免)
11. Has a friend, family member, or significant other recently decided to end the relationship with you, or have you been abandoned when you needed support most? (你的朋友、家人或重要的他人最近決定要與你斷絕關係? 或當你最需要支持的時候,你被遺棄了?)
Yes, I was devastated. / Yes, but I wasn't surprised. (是的,我心力交瘁/是的,但我並不意外)
No, nothing of the kind happened. / Yes, but it's okay, really. (沒有此類事情發生/有,但實際上還好)
12. Are you still hurting from an event from your distant past? (是否仍因過往而傷痛中?)
Yes, quite a bit. / Yes, but I clench my teeth and push through. (是的,有一點/是的,但我會咬緊牙關度過的)
No, I can't think of anything. / No, I am over it. I think. (沒有想到任何事情/沒有,我想我已經克服它了)
13. Do you make a point of figuring out why things are the way they are? (你正準備去瞭解為何事物是這樣呈現的。)
Often / Sometimes (經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never (極少/從來沒有)
14. Are you a student, apprentice, or anything of some sort? (你是學生、初學者或任何類似的身分?)
Yes, I am. / I am going to be one, soon. (是的/我很快會是)
No, I'm not. / No, not anymore. (不是/已經不是)
15. Does your job, future job, or dream job require a high degree of intelligence, education, confidence, or the ability to use words to your favour?
Yes, it does. / Yes, to a certain degree. (是的/某種程度上是)
No, it doesn't. / Not usually.(不是/不常)
I am the Archangel Zadkiel
My name means "Righteousness of God"
I am the Angel of Freedom
I am Patron Angel of all who forgive
Article From: http://www.angelicartistry.com/zadkiel1.htm
Archangel Zadkiel is the Angel of gentle purification, forgiveness, solace and salvation. This loving Angel radiates comfort to those who are lost, afraid or grieving, and helps the wounded and suffering in their healing process. (大天使薩基爾是溫柔純淨、寬恕、安慰與拯救的天使。這位有愛的天使對那些迷失、害怕或悲傷的人表達安慰,並在治療過程中幫助痛苦受傷的人。)
At times when we cannot forgive ourselves Zadkiel is the voice that whispers " I'll forgive you". Zadkiel helps us hold mercy and compassion toward ourselves and others, and let go of anger, judgement and hatred. He is the Angel that encourages us to make good use of learned lessons, for as painful and devastating as they often are, they shall not succeed in destroying us if we look ahead and strive to improve our understanding. He teaches that freedom comes with wisdom, and that hope is needed to recognise the chances that life offers. (每當我們無法原諒自己的時候,薩基爾會是那個輕聲說"我原諒你"的聲音。薩基爾協助我們懷有對自己與他人的慈悲和同理心,並釋放憤怒、評斷與仇恨。祂鼓勵我們活用學到的課題,當我們向前看且努力增加體諒時,即使它們通常令人痛苦或具傷害性,它們也無法真的毀掉我們。祂教導我們自由來自於智慧,而有希望才能看到生命的可能性。)
Zadkiel also kindles a desire for spiritual development in the human heart and, being the Angel of the Third Eye, offers assistance in the matters of clairvoyance, lucid dreaming and invocation.
A Bit of Trivia:
Zadkiel is one of the two Angels assisting Michael in battle, the other being Jophiel. He is the leader of the Angels of Forgiveness, the Angels of Transformation, the Angels of Purification, the Angels of Fate, the Angels of Knowledge, the Angels of Mystery, and the Angels of Mercy. Also, he is the Angel of Jupiter, and thus ruling Thursday, the day of loyalty and honesty. (除了約菲爾,薩基爾是在戰鬥上幫助麥可的另一位天使。祂是關於寬恕天使、轉化天使、淨化天使、天命天使、知識天使、玄秘天使、慈悲天使的領導者。祂被視為是木星的天使,掌管關於忠誠與誠實的星期四。)
Article From :http://www.okcupid.com/tests/describescore?testid=2537800488750284301&category=8
I am the Archangel Raphael
My name means "God Has Healed"
I am called the Angel of Healing
I am the Patron Angel
of all those in the field of Medicine
Article From: http://www.angelicartistry.com/raphael1.htm
Archangel Raphael is the Angel of intellect, creativity, healing, joy, courage and hope. This Angel will bring guidance and sustenance to anyone feeling lost, whether physically, emotionally or spiritually. He is called "The Illuminator," because he provides a "Torch of Angelic Light" to help humans light their way through life so they can more effectively avoid hurdles, overcome challenges with less effort, and see the opportunities and spiritual rewards that lay ahead. He encourages self-motivation in becoming who we're meant to be, and reminds us to seek truth in all we say and do. As we light our way into the future, a sense of courage will naturally come to us. (大天使拉斐爾是智能、創造力、療癒、喜悅、勇氣與希望的天使。祂為感到迷失的人帶來指引與支持,不論是在身體上、情緒上或者精神上。祂被稱為"照亮者",因為祂以天使的火炬照亮人們在生命中的路,以使人們能有效地避開障礙、較不費力地克服困難、並且看見前方的機會點與靈性的回饋。祂啟發我們自我激勵成為我們的天命,並提醒我們在所言所行中找到真理。由於我們點亮未來的路,勇氣也自然隨之而生。)
Students as well as teachers are in good hands if Raphael is watching over them. He inspires a heightened creative visualization and allows us to better focus on a particular activity to achieve a specific goal. Raphael is the Patron Angel of doctors, scientists, writers, and anyone working in the field of endeavour in the liberal arts or sciences. Being the leader of the Angels of Healing, Raphael offers cure of all kinds for humans, animals, and nature. He is a protector of children, and that goes for your inner child, too. He teaches us to laugh easily, and to enjoy life. Raphael is said to be the friendliest and funniest of all the Angels. (在拉斐爾的看顧下學生與老師關係和諧。祂啟發提高具創造力的視覺化想像,以讓我們更容易專註於使特定目標達成的特定行動。拉斐爾是醫師、科學家、作家、藝術或科學的自由工作者的守護天使。身為療癒天使的領袖,拉斐爾為人類、動物以及大自然貢獻出各式各樣的療法。祂是孩童的守護者,也包括你內在的孩童。祂教我們輕易地大笑並享受人生。拉斐爾據說是所有天使中最為親切與有趣的。)
A Bit of Trivia:
Raphael is one of the four greatest Archangels, the other three being Michael, Gabriel, andUriel. His symbols are the healing hands and the Caduceus, a winged staff intertwined with two snakes, which can be seen on the signs of pharmacies and hospitals. He is the Angel of Mercury, and thus the ruler of Wednesday, the day of learning and travelling. He corresponds with the Wind signs, Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra. Raphael can be seen on the Tarot card Key 6 the Lovers, which symbolizes our three layers of consciousness, with the man being the conscious, the woman being the sub-conscious, and the angel being the super-conscious. (拉斐爾是四大天使之一,其他三位分別為麥可、加百列與烏列爾。祂的象徵是療癒的雙手與權杖,上面裝飾著兩條蛇相互糾纏帶有翅膀的東西,這標誌在藥房或醫院常見到。祂被視為是水星的天使,掌管關於學習與旅遊的星期三。與祂相應的是風象星座,包括寶瓶、雙子與天秤。拉斐爾被視同是塔羅牌中主牌6 的愛人,其示現我們意識的三個層次,亦即男人代表意識、女人代表潛意識,而天使代表超意識。)
Article From :http://www.okcupid.com/tests/describescore?testid=2537800488750284301&category=7
I am the Archangel Raziel
My name means "Secret of God"
I am the Angel of the Sacred Mysteries
and the
Keeper of the Secrets of the Universe
I am the Patron Angel of
Law Makers and Lawyers
Article From: http://www.angelicartistry.com/raziel1.htm
Archangel Raziel is the Angel of mystery, mystery, and more mystery. Luckily, he is willing to share his secrets with mankind whom he brings the gift of wisdom and knowledge. He inspires us to learn from our experiences as we go through the different stages of our lives, and to work to improve our understanding at all times. (大天使拉吉爾是神秘、奧義、玄妙的天使。還好祂很樂意透過祂的智慧與知識分享其奧秘給人們。祂啟發我們在不同人生階段中的經歷學習,並總是幫助增進我們的理解。)Raziel offers special support to those who seek to learn, and encourages us to ask questions so that we may illuminate our mind and spirit and come to know the truth about the wonders of life. He is a magnificent teacher who helps us grasp complex matters with ease. At the same time, he guards knowledge from those that are not ready to receive it; there is a time for everything, and disturbing the order by rushing and forcing things against their natural flow has seldom done anyone good. That's why Raziel also teaches us to study with "more haste, less speed." (拉吉爾支持那些企圖學習的人,祂鼓勵我們發問,如此得以照亮我們的心智與靈魂並瞭解有關生命疑惑的真相。祂是教導我們輕易地理解複雜事物的偉大老師。同時祂也為那些尚未準備好要接受知識的人看管知識。時間對萬物而言有其規律,急促或逼使事物違反自然法則幾乎沒任何好處。這也是拉吉爾教導我們學習到的"欲速則不達"的道理。)
Raziel the personification of divine wisdom and the Patron Angel of those who wish to understand esoteric material, engage in alchemy or manifestation, or just going through an especially tough time filled with sleepless nights of studying. Also, Raziel presents us with the ability to unlock our subconscious knowledge and memories through meditation and hypnosis. (拉吉爾是神聖智慧的體現,也是那些欲瞭解神秘事物、致力顯化神聖力量、或指正在經驗特別辛苦的熬夜讀書的人的守護天使。同時,拉吉爾也藉由冥想與催眠,向我們展現其打開潛意識知識與記憶的力量。)
A Bit of Trivia:
Raziel is officially known as the Chief of the Supreme Mysteries. He is the legendary author of "The Book of the Archangel Raziel", wherein all celestial and earthly knowledge is set down, which was said to be given to Adam so he may learn all there is to know about life and the secrets of the universe. Raziel appears quite tall and has large sky-blue wings. He is the ruler of the planet Neptune. (拉吉爾是眾所周知最高的神秘主宰。祂是"大天使拉吉爾之書"傳說中的作者。書中記載著天國與人間的知識,據說這本書交給亞當以讓他明瞭生命與宇宙的秘密。拉吉爾身材高大並有著巨大的天空藍色翅膀。祂是海王星的主宰。)
Article From :http://www.okcupid.com/tests/describescore?testid=2537800488750284301&category=4
Archangel Michael is the Angel of Miracles who strengthens the spirit during difficult times or dangerous situations. He inspires patience, truth, righteousness, strength, faith, and motivation. His fundamental mission is to rid us of the toxins associated with fear, increase our ability to face up to challenging dilemmas and to give guidance and direction for people who feel lost or stuck with respect to their life's purpose or career path. (大天使麥可是在艱難或危險時刻強化心智的奇蹟天使。祂啟發耐性、真理、正直、勇氣、信念與積極。祂的基本任務是要革除我們恐懼的毒素,增加我們面對挑戰的能力,並對於那些感到迷惘、在人生目的或職業生涯困住的人給予指引與方向。)
Michael bestows those that have to do battle in their day to day life with the armour of unshakeable faith and confidence. Those "battles" may take place in court, in the form of competition among athletes, on the schoolyard, or in the attempt of protecting one's children and loved ones. He is the Patron Angel of soldiers, policemen and fire-fighters, guiding and guarding them as they protect us.
(麥可給那些在日常生活中需要戰鬥的人無可動搖的信念與信心防護罩。所謂"戰鬥"可能發生於法庭、運動競技、校園或是保衛家人小孩的時刻。祂是軍人、警察、消防員的守護天使,就像這些 人保護我們一樣。)
Michael's symbol is the halo, representing the purest energies of the crown chakra. Focusing on the themes of non-judgment and successfully "navigating" within the ethereal realms (for telepathy, channelling, conscious ethereal travel, etc.), Michael is the first Angel to step forward to offer his assistance. (麥可的象徵是光環,代表著最純淨的頂輪能量。麥可是第一位站出來幫助我們專註於直觀、悠遊於精細能量的世界(例如心電感應、靈通與乙太意識之旅等)的天使。
A Bit of Trivia:
Michael is one of the four greatest Archangels, the other three being Raphael, Gabriel, andUriel. He corresponds with the Fire signs, Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo. He is the Angel of the Sun, and thus ruler of Sunday, the day of success and radiating charisma. Michael can be seen on the Tarot card Key 14 Temperance, which shows him monitoring the transformation of spirit into matter, and back into spirit. Some say that the card actually shows Gabriel, as cups and water are his symbols. (麥可是四大天使中之一,其他三位分別為拉斐爾、加百列與烏列爾。與祂相應的是火象星座,包括射手、牡羊及獅子。祂被視為是太陽的天使,掌管關於成功與領袖魅力的星期日。祂可被視同是塔羅牌中主牌14的節制,其示現祂監管心靈與物質間的轉化。也有人說這張牌其實是加百列,因水杯與水的元素是祂的象徵符號。
Article From :http://www.okcupid.com/tests/describescore?testid=2537800488750284301&category=1
I am the Archangel Gabriel
My name means
"God Is My Strength"
I am the Angel of Mercy
I am the Patron Angel
of all who work in the field of
Article From: http://www.angelicartistry.com/gabriel1.htm
Archangel Gabriel is the Angel of mercy and harmony, and the protector of all that is pure and innocent. He assists humans in developing and utilizing their intuitive ability and grants wisdom in interpreting dreams and visions. (大天使加百列是慈悲與和諧的天使,也保護單純天真的人。祂協助人類善用直覺力並在解夢與洞見上給予智慧。)
Gabriel assists us in the realization of our total potential, and harmonizes all necessary factors which will aid us in achieving your goals. He takes away sorrow and helps us find happiness, offers inspiration and divine inner strength during times when there appears to be little to be joyful about, and diminishes self-destructive tendencies by replacing them with gentle growth of new hope.
Gabriel is also traditionally known as the great communicator for the Divine. So he is especially able to help with inner communications between our conscious and subconscious, as well as provide practical support for effective communications in our outer, day-to-day life. He supports artists in expressing themselves, helps them to think clearly and encourages them to remain with their ideas until their masterpiece is finished. He is the Patron Angel of writers and journalists whom he aids in getting their messages out to the world. (加百列也是傳說中與天庭溝通的偉大溝通師。所以祂也特別能幫助我們意識與潛意識之間的內在溝通,以及在日常生活中提供我們有效溝通的實際支持。祂協助藝術家表達自我,讓他們能思考清晰並使他們在作品完成之前都能保有創意點子。祂是作家與記者的守護天使,幫助他們將訊息傳送給這世界。)
One of Gabriel's tasks is to guide the souls of unborn babies through their mother's pregnancy. He spends the nine months informing the new person of what he or she will need to know on Earth, and just before its birth he will silence the child by pressing his finger onto the child's lips in order to ensure the safety of the secrets of divine wisdom, thus producing the cleft below a person's nose. It is called the "Sign of Gabriel's Touch". (加百列有項任務是在懷孕期引領未出生寶寶的靈魂。祂花九個月時間教導新生命關於地球上所需知曉的事務,並在臨盆前祂會用手指按住小寶寶的嘴唇以使神聖的秘密得以保留,這也是人中的由來,即所謂的"加百列碰觸的記號"。)
A Bit of Trivia:
Gabriel is one of the four greatest Archangels, the other three being Raphael, Michael, andUriel. Just like Ariel and Jophiel, Gabriel is sometimes referred to as a female. He corresponds with the Water signs, Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio. He is considered the Angel of the Moon and thus the ruler of Monday, the day of gentleness and intuition. His symbols are the chalice and fountain representing purification and rejuvenation, but also the white lily and jasmine standing for purity. He can be seen on the Tarot card Key 20 Judgement, which shows him in his role as the resurrecting force. This card causes confusion as the trumpet is generally though of as a symbol of the angel Israfel. (加百列是四大天使中之一,其他三位是拉斐爾、麥可與烏列爾。像亞列爾與約菲爾一樣,加百列有時被認為是女性。與祂相應的是水象星座,包括雙魚、巨蟹與天蠍。祂被視為是月亮的天使,掌管關於溫柔與直覺的星期一。祂的象徵物是聖杯與噴泉,代表純淨與回春,另外還有代表純潔的百合與茉莉。祂也被視同是塔羅牌中主牌20的審判,其示現祂在復活扮演角色的力量。這張牌中的小喇叭導致祂與另一位天使Israfel的混淆。)
Article From :http://www.okcupid.com/tests/describescore?testid=2537800488750284301&category=9
I am the Archangel Jeremiel
My name means
"Mercy of God"
(哇! 難怪祂都在夢中跟我溝通)
Jeremiel helps us see our lives from a loving and tender perspective and enables us to let go of the past and come to terms with changes. He inspires mercy and guides us toward love, kindness, and most importantly, harmony with all aspects of our lives. Whenever we feel the need to take an inventory of our life, so as to make positive adjustments, Jeremiel will be there. He helps us decide which goals are worthwhile and satisfying to pursue, which relationships need to be protected and nurtured, and which aspects of our lives are hurting, angering, or slowing us down and need to be discarded. (耶利米爾幫助我們從愛與溫柔的角度來看我們的人生,使我們迎向改變、放下過往。祂引發我們生活中的慈悲、愛、仁慈還有和諧。當我們感到生命需要改進,耶利米爾就會在那。祂幫助我們決定哪些目標值得追尋、哪些關係需要滋養,哪些面向會有害而需要捨棄。)
Besides helping us to see with clarity while reviewing and summarizing our past and present life, Jeremiel assists us with clairvoyant abilities in our waking and dream life to grant us insight in what is yet to come. He offers comfort whenever the uncertain future is causing us to be anxious. At times when we feel “stuck”, spiritually or emotionally, he helps us regain enthusiasm and confidence. After an encounter with Jeremiel, our view on life will have changed and our thoughts will be untangled. (除了藉由檢視往事與前世來幫助我們,祂也協助我們在清醒與睡夢中利用洞察力來預見未來。祂撫慰我們對於未知的焦慮。當我們精神上或情緒上感到停滯受阻,祂也幫我們重新找到熱情自信。在與耶利米爾相遇之後,我們對於生命的視野將會改變,我們的思想也將會得到釐清)
One of Jeremiel's most important tasks is to help newly crossed-over souls to review their lives. This is a service that helps those still living, too, as it comforts them to know that their passed-away loved ones are now in the care of this merciful Angel. (耶利米爾還有一項重要任務,即幫助剛去世的靈魂檢視他們過去的一生。這也幫助並安慰到那些還在世的人,因為他們會知道他們去世的至親受到這位慈悲天使的照顧。)
A Bit of Trivia: Being the Angel of Prophesy, Jeremiel guards the knowledge of the exact day of the final judgement. He is titled the Guardian of the Souls and as thus often compared to Hades, the Greek God of the Dead. (身為預示天使的耶利米爾守護著最後審判日的知識。祂被稱為靈魂的守護使者,常與冥府死神相提並論)
Article From: http://www.okcupid.com/tests/describescore?testid=2537800488750284301&category=12
I am the Archangel Uriel
My name means "Fire of God"
I am the Angel of Salvation
I am the Patron Angel of
All Those Who Seek Salvation
Article From: http://www.angelicartistry.com/uriel1.htm
Archangel Uriel is the Angel of the Earth and the keeper of the mysteries which are deep within the planet. According to Corinne Heline: "The beautiful Uriel stands guardian over the activities of the summer. The ripening of grain and the floodtide of blossom are under his guidance. He also supervises the Nature Spirits, those fascinating little sprites who inhabit the elements of earth, air, fire and water, and who lend so much to the beautification of all nature.
(大天使烏列爾是大地天使,也是地球奧秘的看護者。Corinne Heline提到:"美麗的烏列爾掌管夏季活動。穀物的成熟與開花期都受祂管轄。祂也掌管自然界的精靈---那些存在於土、水、火、風四大元素中的奇妙小精靈,祂為萬有帶來美化。)
Nature with all its wonders is the ultimate symbol of creation and creativity; it is the purest source of ideas and aesthetic thoughts, and we are an inseparable part of it. Knowing this will help any artist and scholar. Uriel assists us in experiencing beauty through a heightened sense of appreciation, aids us in finding our true talents and stimulates our creativity and inspiration for artistic expression in its many forms. (自然界的各項奇蹟即萬物與創造力的終極象徵,它是最純然的意念與美學概念來源,而我們與之密不可分。瞭解這個道理對藝術家與學者有幫助。烏列爾幫助我們透過體驗美來提升鑑賞力,協助我們發現我們的天賦,並激發創造力以及各類藝術表現的靈感。)
Uriel is described as being the swiftest in wisdom of all the Archangels. One of his most important tasks is keeping record of all existing knowledge and of each and every event that is yet to come. Considering that, it's not surprising that he also grants the gift of prophecy. He is the great instructor who teaches us that art and study are for experiencing the joy of liberation that comes as wisdom is gained. (烏列爾據說在大天使中是最機智的。祂有一項最重要的任務是要保存所有曾經存在及那些即將發生的知識。因此祂也不意外地擁有預言天賦。祂是位很棒的老師,教導我們藝術與學習是為了得到智慧後體驗釋放的喜悅。)
Uriel promotes compassion and peace. Most emphatically, he will dispel darkness with light at times when we are feeling depressed, angry, victimized, or confused. At those times, he helps release anger, unforgiveness, and other negative emotions that may be clouding our vision and judgment. In this respect he helps counsellors, teachers and everyone seeking truths, and supports them in the many twists and turns in their spiritual journey. (烏列爾發楊慈悲與和平。最明顯的是祂會在我們感到沮喪、憤怒、受害或困惑時用祂的光驅走黑暗。也在同時,祂幫我們釋放那些將我們願景與判斷力遮蔽住的憤怒、不寬恕及其他的負面情緒。因此祂幫助諮商師、老師還有那些尋求真理的人,在靈性道途上的波折中支持他們。)
A Bit of Trivia:
Uriel is considered the Angel who helps us with natural disasters and is called for to avert such events, or to heal and recover in their aftermath. He is one of the four greatest Archangels, the other three being Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel. Among his symbols are the scroll and the book. He corresponds with the Earth signs, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. Uriel is often confused with Ariel, the Angel of nature, wild beasts, and courage, who is also credited as the overseer of the earth spirits. They are not stated as equivalents of one another, so it appears they are actually two different angels. However, they are so incredibly similar; it's easy to see why authors of websites, books and journals keep switching around the first letter of their names whenever they feel like it.
Jophiel, inclined to help us see and maintain beauty in life, is the Patron Angel of artists and helps them in every step towards the completion of their work. Also, he loves those using inventions, discoveries, or revolutionary ideas for the greater good of humanity, and gives them special support, for as well-meant as the efforts of a pioneer often are, success will seldom come without doubt and humiliation. (約菲爾幫助我們看見並維持生活中的美,祂是藝術家的守護天使,幫祝他們一步一步完成作品。祂也喜愛那些為人類發明、發現、創新更好物品的人,並給他們特別的支持,一個開創者通常除了有著良善的出發點也同樣努力,於是成功是必然並當之無愧。)
Jophiel shares with us his wisdom and selfless patience that will strengthen us at times when we are close to resignation, and encourages those who are wishing to make a change that seems impossible to do to keep going. He teaches that everything can be made possible.
Striving and struggling souls, continuously searching for solutions and answers will find the strong and unshakable support they need in Jophiel, which goes for spiritual matters as well as earthly problems calling for solutions. He comforts those that were denigrated and abandoned, unwearyingly staying by their side to light their way and lead them out of hopelessness and despair. Jophiel is also concerned in beautifying the planet by cleansing it of pollution and lends his assistance to those engaging in the vital mission of helping our environment.
A Bit of Trivia:
Jophiel is one of the two Angels assisting Michael in battle, the other being Zadkiel. Just like Gabriel and Ariel, Jophiel is sometimes referred to as female. (約菲爾是協助麥可戰鬥的二位天使中的其中一位,另一位是薩基爾。如同加百列與亞列爾,祂也常被視為女性。)
Article From :http://www.okcupid.com/tests/describescore?testid=2537800488750284301&category=0
Archangel Ariel is he Angel of courage, nature, and wild beasts. He inspires us to live our life to the fullest and without fear, and to let go of what is hurting or controlling us. He assures us that we are never alone, even in the darkest times. Most importantly, he advices us to face our fears and fight them so that our brave actions may set us free of the boundaries that keep us from becoming who we are meant to be. (大天使亞列爾是勇氣、自然界與野獸的天使。祂啟發我們全然無懼地活出來,釋放那些傷害或制約。祂使我們確信即使在最黑暗的時期,我們都不是孤單的。最重要的是,祂勸使我們面對並打敗恐懼,讓我們勇敢掙脫束縛,使我們不受到制約。)
Ariel bestows those that have to do battle in their day to day life with the armour of unshakeable faith and confidence. Those “battles” may take place in court, in the form of competition among athletes, on the schoolyard, or in the attempt of protecting one’s children and loved ones. Also, he is probably the best source of inspiration and inner strength for those striving to protect and heal injured animals and plants. (亞列爾贈給那些在日常生活中必須要戰鬥的人堅強信念的盔甲。那些戰鬥指的是發生在法庭、運動競技、校園或者試圖要保護家人或小孩的情況。祂對於努力保護並療癒動植物的人來說,也是最佳的靈感與內在勇氣支持)
Ariel is known as the Archangel of the Earth because he works tirelessly on behalf of our planet. He is in charge of supervising the realm of Earth Angels that are sometimes referred to as the mythical creates we call fairies, elves, etc. He assists the human realm in connecting with the realm of Earth Angels and to build a relationship of harmony and balance. By doing so, Ariel and his legion of Earth Angels can help us to understand the natural rhythms of the earth and experience the magic and healing properties of the trees, flowers, rocks and soil. Ariel loves those who appreciate nature and its beauty, and rewards them by becoming their infinite source of joy and inspiration.
A Bit of Trivia:
Ariel is associated with lions and other animals of the non-domesticated kind. He is the ruler of the elemental kingdom, and as such oversees the sylphs, nymphs, salamanders and gnomes, the spirits of the four elements. Just like Gabriel and Jophiel, Ariel is sometimes referred to as a female. He is sometimes confused with the Archangel Uriel.
Article From :http://www.okcupid.com/tests/describescore?testid=2537800488750284301&category=3
I am the "Angel of Song"
and it is said that
I have the sweetest voice
of all God's creatures
I am the Patron Angel of
Article From: http://www.angelicartistry.com/israfel1.htm
Archangel Israfel is the Angel of beauty, song, counsel, sympathy, and resurrection. He is a compassionate Angel, always inclined to offer comfort and guidance to those who are feeling lost and abandoned, and bring joy and laughter back to those who are without hope. He wants us to know that we are never alone and inspires us to love ourselves and to be confident and have faith.
(Israfel 是關於美、音律、忠告、慰問以及復活的天使。祂是位慈悲天使,總是給那些感到迷失、被遺棄的人安慰與指引,並為那些失去希望的人找回喜悅與歡笑。祂要我們瞭解我們並不孤單,並喚起我們對自己的愛、自信與信念。)
Israfel is the Patron Angel of entertainers who brings mankind the gift of song, and with it the joy that will inevitably follow. He is a special Angel to musicians and those concerned with beauty, be it beauty in art or the beauty of life. His most famous instrument is the trumpet, but he is also mentioned playing the lute. Those two represent all string, pluck and wind instruments.
(Israfel 是表演者的守護天使,為人類帶來歌曲這項禮物,當然也包括隨之而來的喜樂。對於音樂家以及與美感有關的人來說,包括藝術上或生命的美感,祂是位特別的天使。祂以吹奏小喇叭著稱,另有說法是祂也彈奏琵琶。而這兩項代表所有的絃樂、彈撥及吹管樂器。)
If you are the kind of trumpeter that wake the dead in the middle of the night, you may have more in common with Israfel than you though. For he is also the Angel of resurrection, and what does he use to awaken the dead from their slumber at the end of the world? That's right. A trumpet. His role at the final judgement makes him the Angel of life and new beginnings, representing the kind of hope that fills us when the sun rises over the horizon to drive away the darkness of the night.
(假如你是夜半吹奏小號召喚亡靈的人,那你應當與Israfel有著更多的關連。因為祂也是掌管復活的天使,在世界末日時祂是用什麼喚醒棺材裏的死者呢? 沒錯! 用小喇叭! 在最後審判時祂所扮演的角色是生命與新生的天使,當太陽從地平線升起時,祂趕走夜晚的黑暗為我們帶來希望。)
A Bit of Trivia:
Israfel is a very compassionate Angel indeed. He looks three times each day and three times each night into the depths of Hell, and is so stricken with horror and grief at the plight of the damned souls that he weep so that his tears would flood the earth, if God did not prevent them from flowing. He is also said to be very beautiful and the master of music. Edgar Allan Poe once wrote in his poem Israfel: In heaven a spirit doth dwell / Whose heart-strings are a lute; / None sing so wildly well / As the angel Israfel.
(Israfel 真的是非常慈悲的天使。祂日夜各三次深入地獄,祂深受苦境中那些被詛咒靈魂的恐懼、悲傷的折磨,於是祂哀傷流淚以至於祂的眼淚湧入地面,假使天神沒有阻止其湧入的話。據說祂長得非常美,也被稱為音樂大師。美國詩人艾倫坡曾在詩句中寫到Israfel :" 天堂裏住著一位心弦像琵琶、沒人像祂唱歌一樣動聽的精靈 ,祂是Israfel 天使! "
Article From :http://www.okcupid.com/quizzy/results?quizzyid=2537800488750284301&userid=2157378388843205143
Jeremiel also helps us with clairvoyance and prophetic visions, and helps us to interpret psychic dreams. (耶利米爾也在靈視力、預兆以及解夢方面幫助我們...)
Article From: http://www.angelight.biz/Resource_detail.asp?ResourceDetail_ID={A14A2698-52D0-4B02-AE11-EFF07D804609}&ResourceTypeID={EA49418B-B173-4D85-9F15-A50E0B0E993F}}
Article From : http://www.seraphinatempleoflight.com/pages/archangels.htm
Photo From: http://www.istok.net/church-product/icon-holy-archangel-jeremiel.html
我測出來,真的很準! 因為我的結果是"耶利米爾"!(又再度驗證....)
Angels are androgynous (雌雄同體)beings said to protect us when we are in danger, show us the way when we are lost, comfort us, and lead us through our trials and tribulations. There are hundreds of Angels, each one of them having a more or less unique purpose. Let's find out what kind of earthly or spiritual matters you could use some angelic help with! (天使的存在是來保護我們,尤其在苦難與危險時刻,引領並安慰我們。上百位天使中,每位都有自己獨特的存在意義與使命。讓我們來看看在物質或精神世界中,你可以尋求哪位天使的幫助)
Note: Though there are supposedly seven Archangels, there has been some debate on who the seven are. In this test, all Angels speculated to be Archangels will be titled as such. Ultimately there are 10 "Archangels" in it. (一般有七位大天使的說法,但是哪七位則有爭論。此處將10位天使皆稱為大天使)
Also note that although Angels are agreed to be androgynous they are usually referred to as male. (雖然天使為雌雄同體,但通常被認為是男性,隻有極少數情況會被認為是女性。)On rare occasions an Angel may be explicitly referred to as female, but not usually. I will be using "he" simply because it's more respectful than "it", but actually I agree that it's not quite fair neither correct, but what will you do. Most of us know that certain orthodox religions are not exactly pioneers of admitting female characters the same worthiness of being revered or at least mentioned as the male characters we all know so well. In fact, they are usually portrayed as impure or cunning. Slightly dim at best. Anyway, it won't change anytime soon so I won't dwell on it. My apologies.
(All images are copyright Michael Parkes. Thanks to angelicartistry.com, connectingwithlight.com, and uhm, Google.com.)
有空看看你的結果喔! 寶瓶子會陸續把各天使的資料翻譯好! 天使測驗請進入http://www.okcupid.com/tests/the-angel-test 以下為中英對照的題目翻譯,請在英文網頁上直接點選答案, 逐題做完可以計算出結果,找出你的守護天使! 相關網頁:翻譯1-15題 ~ 翻譯16-29題 ~ 翻譯 30-38題 |