如果有發現新的內容再跟大家分享囉!(2015/03/15 更新)
天使測驗請進入 http://www.okcupid.com/tests/the-angel-test
相關網頁: 天使測驗-找出你最近需要哪位守護天使照顧?
翻譯 30-38題 ~
30. Does your job, future job, or dream job require a big amount of mental strength, courage, or an unshakeable willpower?
Yes, all of the above. / Those things might come in handy. (以上皆需/是的,輕而易舉)
No, it doesn't. / Not in a direct sense. (不需要/不直接需要)
31. Do you feel taken advantage of, stressed, overloaded, or not appreciated enough?
Often / Sometimes(經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never(極少/從來沒有)
32. Do you have difficulties finishing what you started?
Often / Sometimes(經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never(極少/從來沒有)
33. Do you feel like you want to chuck it all? (你是否覺得想要放棄所有?)
Often / Sometimes(經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never(極少/從來沒有)
34. Do you feel quietly unhappy or angry due to an unfortunate situation you are currently in and unable to escape?
Often / Sometimes(經常/有時候)
Rarely / Never(極少/從來沒有)
35. Are you currently trying to quit a bad habit? Remember procrastinating is a bad habit, too. :D
(你是否正試著要戒掉某項壞習慣? 「拖延」也是種壞習慣喔!)
Yes, I am. (是的)
No, I'm not. (沒有)
36. Do you feel like you'll need lots of courage to make an important decision or a change in your life?
Yes, I do. (是的)
No, not right now. (目前沒有)
37. What is it that you desire at this point of your life?
To mend my broken heart... (療癒受傷的心)
To gain knowledge and wisdom... (獲取知識與智慧)
To be a fountain of creativity... (創意靈感泉湧)
To make a change in my life
38. ...and... (以及…?)
...regain my health. (贏回健康)
...reach illumination. (啟發、悟道)
...show the world who I am. (向世界展現我是誰)
...endure the hard times. (度過難關)