I am the Archangel Michael
My name means "Who Is As God"
I am the Angel of Judgement
I am the Patron Angel of
Law Enforcement and the Military
Article From: http://www.angelicartistry.com/michael1.htm
Archangel Michael is the Angel of Miracles who strengthens the spirit during difficult times or dangerous situations. He inspires patience, truth, righteousness, strength, faith, and motivation. His fundamental mission is to rid us of the toxins associated with fear, increase our ability to face up to challenging dilemmas and to give guidance and direction for people who feel lost or stuck with respect to their life's purpose or career path. (大天使麥可是在艱難或危險時刻強化心智的奇蹟天使。祂啟發耐性、真理、正直、勇氣、信念與積極。祂的基本任務是要革除我們恐懼的毒素,增加我們面對挑戰的能力,並對於那些感到迷惘、在人生目的或職業生涯困住的人給予指引與方向。)
Michael bestows those that have to do battle in their day to day life with the armour of unshakeable faith and confidence. Those "battles" may take place in court, in the form of competition among athletes, on the schoolyard, or in the attempt of protecting one's children and loved ones. He is the Patron Angel of soldiers, policemen and fire-fighters, guiding and guarding them as they protect us.
(麥可給那些在日常生活中需要戰鬥的人無可動搖的信念與信心防護罩。所謂"戰鬥"可能發生於法庭、運動競技、校園或是保衛家人小孩的時刻。祂是軍人、警察、消防員的守護天使,就像這些 人保護我們一樣。)
Michael's symbol is the halo, representing the purest energies of the crown chakra. Focusing on the themes of non-judgment and successfully "navigating" within the ethereal realms (for telepathy, channelling, conscious ethereal travel, etc.), Michael is the first Angel to step forward to offer his assistance. (麥可的象徵是光環,代表著最純淨的頂輪能量。麥可是第一位站出來幫助我們專註於直觀、悠遊於精細能量的世界(例如心電感應、靈通與乙太意識之旅等)的天使。
A Bit of Trivia:
Michael is one of the four greatest Archangels, the other three being Raphael, Gabriel, andUriel. He corresponds with the Fire signs, Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo. He is the Angel of the Sun, and thus ruler of Sunday, the day of success and radiating charisma. Michael can be seen on the Tarot card Key 14 Temperance, which shows him monitoring the transformation of spirit into matter, and back into spirit. Some say that the card actually shows Gabriel, as cups and water are his symbols. (麥可是四大天使中之一,其他三位分別為拉斐爾、加百列與烏列爾。與祂相應的是火象星座,包括射手、牡羊及獅子。祂被視為是太陽的天使,掌管關於成功與領袖魅力的星期日。祂可被視同是塔羅牌中主牌14的節制,其示現祂監管心靈與物質間的轉化。也有人說這張牌其實是加百列,因水杯與水的元素是祂的象徵符號。
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